Are you a Lobbyist?


Per S1(1) of the Act:
“Lobby” means to communicate with a public official in a attempt to influence development of a legislative proposal; introduction of a bill or resolution before the Assembly; making or amendment of a regulation; development, amendment or termination of a program or policy; awarding of financial benefit; and for Consultant Lobbyists, to arrange a meeting with a public official or communicate with same to influence awarding of a contract.

Per S1(1) of the Act:
A “consultant lobbyist” means a person who for remuneration or other benefit undertakes to lobby on behalf of a client; and an “in-house lobbyist” means an employee, partner or sole proprietor of an organization who lobbies on behalf of the organization or if it is a corporation, for any controlling or controlled corporation. 

S 3(1) of the Act exempts when acting in their official capacity:
- Members of: The House of Commons or the Senate of Canada or persons on their staff;
- The Legislative Assembly of another province or territory; A municipal council, school board or other local government body, or persons on their staff, of officers or employees of same;
- Employees of: the Civil Service of the Province; the Government of Canada or of another province or territory;
- Officers, Directors or employees of: a nonprofit organization unless it serves management, union or professional interests or if most members are for profit;
- an organization that represents government interests of a group of aboriginal people;
- Diplomatic agents, consular officers, United nations officials or other international organization to whom privileges and immunities are granted by or under an Act of the Parliament of Canada.

S 3(2) of the Act exempts:
- Submissions: made in proceedings that are a matter of public record to a committee of the Assembly or to a body or person empowered under an Act;
- made to a public official with respect to the person or organization concerning enforcement, interpretation or application of an Act or regulation by the public official, or the implementation of a program, policy, directive or guideline by the official;
- made in direct response to a written request by a public official for advice or comment on a matter;
- made to a MLA by or on behalf of a constituent of the member with respect to a personal matter of the constituent;
- made to a public official by a union relating to administration or negotiation of a collective agreement or the representation of a member or former member of a bargaining unit who is or was employed by the government.

Under the Act, the registrar may issue bulletins about the interpretation, application or enforcement of the Act or the regulations. Any questions on whether or not you are required to file a return as a consultant lobbyist of as a senior officer filing for an organization with in-house lobbyists should be directed to the registrar.


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